
Farewell letter



Chair-Prof. M. Amélia Santos

Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisbon, Portugal



On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees, it is my pleasure to cordially invite you to participate in and to contribute to the next International Symposium on Metal Complexes (ISMEC2012) that will be held in Lisbon, from the 18th to 22nd of June 2012. This is also the XXIII Italian-Spanish Congress on Thermodynamics of Metal Complexes, but over the years there has been an increased number of contributions from scientists from all over the world, which rendered in its actual internationalization and opening to new cutting edge areas. The high quality of the presentations is reflected by the fact that selected conference papers are usually published in a peer-reviewed journal (in ISMEC2012, it will be Dalton Transactions).

We hope that the contribution of your research will help us to make this meeting a stimulating forum of discussion and exchange of knowledge on the most recent advances on metal complexes in view of a wide range of applications, namely from environmental to biomedical purposes.

On this website, we will try to provide all the necessary information about the Symposium in order to make it a memorable event and also a pleasant stay in Lisbon for all the participants. Moreover, the scheduled social and cultural events will provide you the opportunity of discovering the rich historical and multicultural heritage of Lisboa, one of the oldest 21st century metropolis, besides enjoying its seaside.

We look forward very much to welcoming you to Lisbon in June 2012 and wait for your enthusiastic participation in this interesting congress!


Sincerely yours,

Maria Amélia Santos

Chairperson of ISMEC2012



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